HSS Systems Human Services Software

CCRI Reporting

The State of Pennsylvania's Consolidated Community Reporting Initiative requires counties to provide a large amount of information and also returns files with the results of that information. HSS Systems has developed processes to create and process this information to allow the county to accurately report data to the state.

Consumer Registration Batch File

Batch reporting of CCRI Consumer Registrations can be done at any time. Reports can be run to verify all information is correct before submitting. A listing of consumers that are included in the batch can be printed to verify they have been submitted.

Daily MHX Files

The daily MHX files that CCRI puts out can be downloaded and imported into the system capturing the MHX and MCI numbers along with the Eligibility Dates. These are stored and used when Encounters are submitted.

Encounter Reporting

Encounters are pulled from processed claims so no additional data entry is required. An error listing can be printed to make sure all data is present and correct. The various code files put out by the state (PRV416, mcdiag, etc.) are imported and checked against for the error report. A list of the Encounters can be printed to verify which encounters are sent.

mgdccr, U277CA, etc

These files with information about the encounters can be printed or processed to see what has been accepted or rejected. The mgdccr report can be imported into a CCRI History to compare against Claims to indicate which have been sent and accepted, which have been sent and rejected, and which have not been sent.